Our Wines of the 2009 Vintage

Our “first” vintage with a new team proves that difficult circumstances often bring good results. The vegetation period began rather innocuously with a warm spring, from which proceeded a very early bud break and a similarly early flowering. Well into flowering the weather fell completely to pieces, with heavy rain and a major drop in temperature. As a result, the flowering period was very long and left many berries unfertilized (which eventually led to extremely low yields, roughly 35 hl/ha) and caused dramatically different stages of development among bunches, sometimes even on the same shoot. As a result the early summer was extremely worrisome, since every day we were confronted with an almost tropical situation: warm days, extensive afternoon rains, putting the grapes “to bed” with wet leaves and high temperatures. We feared problems with the results, however the weather had surprisingly little effect upon us.

Because what makes fungus happy also stimulates the remaining vegetation, by late summer a very early harvest was in the cards. The vintage came to its appropriate close with a sunny days and cool nights, tailor-made fall, and – with a little bit of luck – we finished the harvest on the night before a newly arriving low pressure zone.

Must weights lie on average around 95° Oechsle (not including the nobly sweet wines) and we are very pleased with the ripe, mild, but penetrating acidity. In this early, yeasty phase, the wines have shown an exotic fruitiness and a clean, almost salty minerality.

2009 C.A.I. Riesling

Juicy, mineral, fresh, and vibrant with lots of expression, delicately fruity, tart despite a significantly easy finish. Our “entry Riesling” – a Kabinett blend from the finest slate slopes.

2009 Escheburg Riesling

Creamy on the palate with deep fruits, apricot, pineapple, differentiated, complex and long, suspenseful, lasting. A selection from our best plots in the Enkirch vineyards; old vines with extremely low yields.

Premium rieslinge

The product of the best plots from our 1st class location in Enkirch. Exclusively ungrafted wines at least 60 years old, with a maximum yield of 30hl/ha, these are a selection of the top barrels. Recommended for decanting.

2009 Steffensberg Riesling

Powerful yet compact, demanding acidity, stony, deep grapefruit with a very long, dry, uncompromising finish that clearly shows the metallic expression of the most iron-rich plots in Enkirch.

2009 Batterieberg Riesling

A strong and diverse structure presents itself as the best of the best: deep minerality, plenty of power, glazed and noble expression, long lasting, requiring time and air.

2009 Ellergrub Riesling

Fine fruit and brightness characterize this Riesling from the steepest location in Enkirch with the finest of slate floors. Highly differentiated fruit and subtle elegance in a great wine.

2009 Batterieberg Riesling Auslese

Noble sweetness in a fine Botrytis selection, on a Beerenauslese level; very clear and differentiated with strength and delicacy in conflict for decades.

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